Welcome to our newest numeric data entry test! It is called the Ten Key Test because you only need the right side of your keyboard, the num pad. If your computer doesn’t have a numeric pad, you can always use the keys from the top of the keyboard as well.
It is so common for people nowadays to hope for work-at-home jobs. The most well know benefits are a flexible schedule and the comfort of your couch. An online data entry job could be the easy answer. Before you can land such a dream job, you have to be well prepared to take the required test. Hopefully, you won’t make any mistakes!
You can always test your ten key abilities entirely free at Gonna Type for as long as you want. We fill up our tests with new data with every run.
Every single data entry job requires an evaluation test to determine your typing skills. Do you need help with the 10 key test? Practice with the one below!
Just press “Start Test” to start the Ten Key Test!
There are some horror stories about people messing up their tests. Some of them haven’t prepared enough. The main thing is not to panic because this is not the most important test in the world. You can always retake the test at your convenience. Luckily for you, GonnaType.com is going to be here for you whenever you are in practice mood. If there is anything you need from us, send us an email or subscribe to our list of close friends (the sign-up box on the right side). We will do whatever it takes to help your needs.
Getting a job that requires 10 Key Test

Numbers only tests
The numbers only ten key speed test is rather popular among job seekers. Before moving on to hunting for well-paid jobs, keep in mind that this kind of online work is hard and tedious. Our recommendation: try to get used to it with our 10 key practice test! Keep at it for at least 2 or 3 days after you reach a good KPH average (kph stands for keystrokes per minute)!
Our team has helped over 10.000 people in need for professional help, and we are not going to stop here. Our mission is to get you ready for the future.
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